Teacher Perfect may be able to provide you with a suitable home tutor.
Tutors must be qualified teachers and be currently registered with the Teaching Council and have up to date Garda vetting.
Tutors are also required to sign a statutory declaration in the presence of a peace commissioner, notary public, commissioner for oaths or practising solicitor.
The ideal tutor will be able to teach a number of subjects which is important as it can be difficult for vulnerable students to deal with more than a couple of home tutors.
The Department of Education requires home tutors to provide their lessons 9am-6pm, Monday-Friday and during the official school term.
We charge a once off fee of €100 for a consultation session during which we will offer advice around the application, your child's specific needs and help finding a suitable home tutor.
Who Pays the Tutors?
Teachers who are sanctioned to teach your child are paid directly by the department subject to monthly pay claim forms to be filled in by tutors and parents. Do NOT start lessons until AFTER the date on the sanction letter. Please send evidence of the sanction letter to the tutors before starting.